Kasih Edukasi x InSight Scoop Donation Drive

On the 25th and 26th of June 2023, Kasih Edukasi collaborated with the online magazine InSight Scoop on an event where we were able to give back to the children and community at Rumah Pelangi Bekasi and Yayasan Sosial Tangan Kasih. 

We successfully distributed 200 care packages and 100 goodie bags! The care packages included essentials such as eggs, oil, and more. The goodie bags for the children included fun snacks, notebooks, and sausages. You can see pictures of them here.  We want to say a big thank you to all our donors! We could not have done this without them.

We also set up brand new projectors, foldable tables, and internet modems to help with the facilitation of the online classes. We also started our first offline class that day, along with some games led by our teachers!

Kak Purnamasari Sri, a children’s storybook author, also paid a visit to our partner orphanages and gave the children a story time with her own books, titled “Bermain bersama si Terbang”! 

We thank everyone for their support in our mission to make Indonesia a better place. Indonesia maju bersama!


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